Black Sea Journal is an international refereed academic journal on Social Sciences, published in print and online since 2009.
The aim of the Journal is to publish/share/disseminate knowledge, academic studies, theoratical discussions and findings obtained in all fields of Social sciences.
The Journal accepts original full texts written in Turkish, English and Russian.
The Journal is indexed by International Sciencetific Indexing (ISI Databese), Scientific Indexing Services (SIS), Index Copernicus (ICI World of Journals), Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL), Sosyal Bilimler Atıf Dizini (SOBİAD), Google Akademik, Akademik Sosyal Bilimler İndeksi (ASOS Index).
All the issues and articles published so far can be attained on the website address of the journal for free.
In order to meet the expenditures on publication and printing, a sum of USD 50 is demanded for each article accepted to be published.
The Black Sea Journal is an international refereed academic journal on all fields of Social Sciences published quarterly both in print and online since 2009.
Citations and
Effective academic studies are those aiming to embody and support the scientific methods and purposes. It is vital that all parts of the publication process (authors, readers and researchers, publishers, referees and editors) in this point comply with the standards of ethical principles. Within the framework of the International Black Sea Scientific Journal, all parts are expected to carry out the following ethical responsibilities.
Black Sea International Scientific Journal is committed to following the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) . It is a duty of our editors to follow Cope Guidance for Editors and our peer-reviewers must follow COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers. We expect all prospective authors to read and understand our Ethics Policy before submitting any manuscripts to our journals.
Authors' Ethical Responsibilities
The work submitted for publication to International Black Sea Scientific Journal must have not been published in or submitted for publication to another journal at the same time. Each application can be started following the completion of the previous application. Any published work in another journal can not be sent to International Black Sea Scientific Journal. Every article must comply with the publiction rules and procedures of our journal. Please examine the “Witing Rules” before submitting your paper.
Author (s) are required to make use of and / or quote in a complete and accurate way in order to benefit from other studies or to use other studies. In writing citation and bibliography, the APA 6 editorial guidelines should be applied.
If the work submitted for publication is to constitute a conflict of interest, and if relevant, it should be indicated.
The referee (s) may request raw data on their framing of evaluation processes; in such a case the author (s) should be ready to submit the expected data and information to the editorial board.
Authors must have the required documents as regards the use of data, evaluation/research means, and permissions for analysis. The paper will not be considered for publication unless the required documents, data, and ethic board report are loaded into the system upon the request of referees.
The author (s) has an obligation to cooperate with the editor in informing, correcting or withdrawing their papers if they find a mistake related to their work.
Papers presented orally, yet not published in the proceeding book in symposiums can be sent for evaluation in the journal.
The language of the papers can be Turkish, Russian or English. No matter what the language of the paper is, titles, abstracts and keywords in all three languages must be submitted. The Abstract should be 200 words, the title 12 words and keywords 5 in minimum.
All papers sent to the journal are checked for plagiarism during the pre-control phase, and those with more than 25 % are turned down.
The publication right of all papers sent to the journal through the system belongs to International Black Sea Scientific Journal, so authors must fill in the publication right contract form and load it into the system.
In order to meet the publication expenses, referees’ payments and other expenditures, TL 20 for pre-control, TL 50+50= 100 for referee evaluations, TL 50 for translation of abstract in each language must be deposited into the journal’s account. (Payments can be made in USD as equivalent to the amounts specified). The receipts must be submitted to Authors not requesting professional translation for the abstracts will not pay for this service.
Referees' Ethical Responsibilities
Referees of International Black Sea Scientific Journal should only accept papers related to their fields of study and expertise. Referees are attentively selected from among the board of referees of the journal by the editors. As blind review process is applied, authors and referees cannot see or contact each other, and it is certainly prohibited that they make themselves known to the other part. If any of these rules are violated, referees must certainly refuse to continue their duty as referees.
Referees of International Black Sea Scientific Journal must carry out the process of evaluation in complete impartiality and secrecy.
If referees of International Black Sea Scientific Journal think they are face to face with conflict of interest, they must refuse evaluaton and inform the editors about this.
Referees of International Black Sea Scientific Journal must delete the documents related to evaluation process within a month due to the principle of secrecy. They can only use the last form of the papers upon publication.
Referees must evaluate the papers in complete neutrality and impartiality in terms of content. In no way must they be influenced by such facts as nationality, gender, religious beliefs, ideologies, financial worries or any other feature of the authors.
Referees must use polite expressions while evaluating the papers. They must avoid using personal language with enmity, hatred, insult or any other form of degradation. Any referee not complying with this rule will certainly be exluded from the board of referees.
Referees of International Black Sea Scientific Journal must complete the evaluation process of the papers they accept within 15 days and in accordance with the ethical principles of the journal stated here.
Referees of International Black Sea Scientific Journal will be paid for their contribution whether or not the papers are accepted for publication.
Papers loaded into the system can be withdrawn by the authors before they are published. In this case, the reason must be stated clearly in the system by the authors.
Editors' Ethical Responsibilities
All papers sent to the journal through the system are controlled technically. Those with suitable form are sent to referees designed by the editors.
International Black Sea Scientific Journal has an editorial board. All papers are judged by at least one international expert academician on the basis of their intellectual content, regardless of the author's gender, race, ethnicity, religion, citizenship and political values.
Personal information about the articles is kept confidential.
The conflict of interest observed regarding the article must be explained by the field editors.
The Editorial Board assumes the responsibility to make publishing decisions for the submitted articles, based on the evaluation of the candidate's articles, the editorial board policies of the journal, and the legally prohibited items against plagiarism and copyright infringement.
Publishers and editors shall take reasonable steps to identify and prevent the publication of papers where research misconduct has occurred.
In no case shall a journal or its editors encourage such misconduct, or knowingly allow such misconduct to take place.
In the event that a journal’s publisher or editors are made aware of, any allegation of research misconduct the publisher or editor shall deal with allegations appropriately.
The journal should have guidelines for retracting or correcting articles when needed.
Publishers and editors should always be willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when needed.
Karadeniz Uluslar Arası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi’ne (k.deniz), hiç bir kurum veya kuruluştan yardım ve destek görmemektedir. Bu nedenle yazarlardan makalelerinin değerlendirme ve yayım aşamasında bir ücret talep etmektedir. Herhangi bir aşamada süreç durduğu zaman, diğer işlemlere geçilmeden hizmet sürecine ait kısım kesilerek kalan miktar yazara iade edilir. Hizmet ve yayın karşılığı istenen ücretlerin dağılımı aşağıdaki gibidir:
Hakem ücreti: 100 + 100 = 200 TL veya karşılığı döviz
Hakemlik ciddi bir iştir. Süresi içinde yapılmayan hakemlik hem yazarı ve hem de dergiyi zor durumda bırakır. Hakemlerin meselenin üzerine ciddiyetle durması için ve layıkıyla hakemliklerini yürütebilmesi için, diğer iş ve zamanlarından ayrıldığı için bu ücret, rapor olumlu veya olumsuz olsun, ödenmektedir.
Tercüme desteği: 100 TL (Her bir tercüme için) veya karşılığı döviz.
Yazar(lar) dergimizden başlık, öz ve anahtar kelimelerden oluşan Türkçe, İngilizce veya Rusça tercüme hizmeti alabilirler. Bu tercümeler tamamen profesyoneller tarafından gerçekleştirilmektedir.
Yayın katkı payı 400 TL veya karşılığı döviz
Makaleler ekler dahil 25 sayfayı geçemez. Makale bu sayfa sayısını geçtiği anda katkı payını % 100 oranında artırmak zorundadırlar. Bu miktar, ticari kazanç sağlamadan derginin basım, dağıtım ve yayım masrafları için kullanılmaktadır.
Ücretin Yatırılacağı Hesap Bilgileri:
Banka: Ziraat Bankası
Alıcı: Abdullah Alper ALTINKAYNAK
IBAN: TR82 0001 0001 4957 3171 3050 01
Hesaplarımızdan birine Tercüme hizmeti dahil 800 TL, Tercüme hizmeti istenmiyorsa 600 TL yatırıp dekontunu adresine postalayınız.
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